EV Charger Installation

Electric Vehicle Charger Installation on Oahu

Get Your EV Charger Installed on Oahu - Residential and Commercial

In the past few years, we have seen a notable increase in the use of electric vehicles (EVs). The island's dedication to cutting carbon emissions and promoting environmental awareness has greatly boosted the popularity of electric vehicles among locals and businesses. And for those who own electric vehicles (EVs), it's essential to have access to reliable charging stations, whether you're on the go or at home. Luckily, our company, G2 Electric, specializes in electric vehicle charger installation services on Oahu. We provide residential and commercial EV charger installations across the island. Call us today to schedule your free in person consultation and estimate.

Why Trust G2 Electric?

Expertise and Experience

We have a reputable name in the industry, known for our expertise and experience in electric vehicle charging solutions.

Our team consists of skilled electricians on Oahu, with extensive knowledge of EV charger installations, ensuring an outstanding service, can walk you through adaptable charger options, and provide quality service.

☑ Adaptable solutions
☑ Installation
☑ Customizable solutions


We understand that each homeowner's situation is unique. That’s why, we offer customized solutions based on your home's architecture, electrical system, and charging requirements.

Proven Excellence

We have been recognized by the community, awarded Hawaii’s Best by the Star Advertiser in 2022 and 2023. This accolade showcases our proven excellence and dedication to providing the best EV home charger installation services on Oahu.

Ready to make the switch to electric mobility and want a hassle-free EV home charger installation on Oahu? Look no further than G2 Electric! Reach out to us directly by phone at (808) 343 4323 or by submitting through our contact form below.

Charge at Home, Stress-Free. Book Your EV Charger Installation Today!

Remember, choosing us for your EV home charger installation means opting for expertise, transparency, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards enjoying the convenience of electric vehicle charging at home on Oahu!



Frequently Asked Questions


Call today to schedule

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Thank you Hawaii! We look forward to hearing from you and making you part of our Ohana.